Contractors have training, certification, and licensing requirements in order to remove asbestos containing materials (ACM). Most removals involve friable ACM and require the organization to become licensed by the Ohio EPA as an Asbestos Hazard Abatement Contractor. Non-friable ACM removals (i.e. roofing) usually do not require the contractor’s license, but training is still required.
Additional training and certifications are required in Ohio to conduct asbestos inspections, bulk (material) sampling, and air sampling. Asbestos contractors and other organizations who want to have their personnel perform these activities will need to certify these individuals as Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialists.
Ohio EPA Asbestos Hazard Abatement Contractor Licensing
Training Requirements to Remove Only Non-Friable ACM (i.e. Roofing)
Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist certification
Ohio EPA Asbestos Compliance Program
It does not include information regarding medical monitoring, personal protective equipment, and other equipment needed for asbestos abatement. Insurance to perform asbestos abatement work is also usually required and more costly than regular general liability insurance.
The following certification and licensing costs are based on a company with 1 supervisor and 3 workers.
The following costs are based on a company with 1 supervisor and a varying number of workers.
In order to conduct any sampling or perform pre-demolition asbestos surveys, any person involved in performing these is required to be an Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist (AHES). An AHES needs to take 2 courses which are usually both offered during the same work week. These courses include the Asbestos Building Inspector (3-days) and the Asbestos Management Planner (2-days). Once both of these classes have been completed the individual can apply to the Ohio EPA to become an AHES.
Ohio EPA requires the asbestos abatement contractors initially applying for an Asbestos Contractor’s license to submit a written copy of their company’s Asbestos Abatement Compliance Program. This program includes asbestos work practices, medical monitoring, and a respiratory protection program. TSI is available to provide these 3 programs for you to include with your company’s application. By providing us the requested information and purchasing the program, we will provide you a pdf document for you to include with your submittal.
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