Hundreds of Companies

100,000+ Students

tsi-training services

Our Company Story

Training Services International is a professional training organization offering standardized and customized environmental health and safety solutions for today’s ever-changing workplace.

Established in 1998, TSI has provided environmental training for hundreds of companies and over 100,000 students. asbestos removal, lead safety, and mold removal.

Our Instructors have a wide variety of experience and expertise to effectively communicate the course material.



Our Asbestos Initial Training courses provide comprehensive instruction on the latest safety regulations and best practices in asbestos management. Tailored for professionals new to the field, these courses equip you with essential skills and knowledge required to handle asbestos safely and effectively.


Refresher Asbestos Courses

Our Asbestos Refresher courses ensure that you stay up-to-date with the latest safety regulations and best practices in asbestos management. Designed for professionals who have already completed initial training, these courses reinforce essential skills and knowledge.

asbestos training - TSI

Lead Safety Courses

Our Lead Safety Courses provide comprehensive training on the latest techniques and regulations for lead hazard control. Gain the expertise needed to effectively manage and mitigate lead risks in various environments, ensuring safety and compliance.

TSI asbestos training

Additional Training Courses

Our Mold Identification & Remediation (Awareness) course is a one-day program designed to equip you with the knowledge to identify and remediate mold safely. Additionally, we offer comprehensive training in OSHA Construction Industry Safety and an 8-hour OSHA Hazwoper (Hazmat) Refresher course, both designed to ensure compliance with industry safety standards and to keep your skills and knowledge up-to-date.